There are some great online tools out there to help you save money. Try to stick to the free ones though, unless it offers a tool that you think would really help maximize your savings. Please remember that your trying to save money. It would defeat the purpose to pay for an un-useful tool to save money. is a social banking site. I'm not a huge fan of the social part of it. But everything with the internet is moving towards being more social (think Twitter, FaceBook and so on). My favorite feature of is the amazing interest rate of 2.15%. This is an awesome rate when you consider the average bank only has an interest rate of .77% according to Another feature of Smartypig that many of you will love is the social aspect of it. I'm not a huge fan of this feature (and remember you do not have to use it), because to me, my money is a personal matter. With SmartyPig you can share your savings with your friends and family, share it on Facebook, and people can even make contributions to your savings account on SmartyPig. After you reach your savings goal on SmartyPig, you can transfer it to your bank account, get it put on a debit card, or redeem it for a gift card. If you select the gift card option, you get special bonuses and such. is a simple budgeting and expense tracking tool. Part of saving is budgeting your money instead of spending it mindlessly. It is free for 30 days, after that it is just $3 a month. Please keep in mind, that there are a lot of ways to do the same thing for free but if you need it to be as easy and simply as possible, then you may want to consider is the easiest way to track your finances. It is important to analyze exactly where every penny goes every month. For example, drinking coffee at home instead of getting a small coffee at Starbucks will save you over $40 a month (based on drinking just 1 cup of small coffee 5 days per week). tracks your spending and sends you budget reports. It even does bill reminders.
Do you know of an awesome money saving tool that you can share? I would love to hear about it!
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